I joined this newsletter a few months ago and I read as often as I can. Today was especially great. I really enjoyed this topic, “Finding meaning in Daily Life.” This is one of the best articles I have read in a long time! It gives insight to what humanity needs to do in today’s cynical world. Please continue to write daily bits of optimism for us hungry individuals who seek “eudaimonía.” Thank you for your contributions! Have a great day. 😊

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Thanks Vincent! Made my day to read this. So glad the post spoke to you! 😊

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Literally struggling to get out of bed and this is just what I needed. 🧡

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Hang in there, Jay! We all have those days.

Sending you strength - you've got this! 💪

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You mean a lot this is a great page. I look forward to reading it every day because it gives my life a meaning.

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Thank you so much Julie! Makes me smile knowing these newsletters help brighten your days. ❤️

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I needed this today 💜 Perfect wake up message to get going. Thank you!

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Thanks Amy! So happy this helped kickstart your day. Keep that energy going! ✨

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The small choices…they add up.

Great thought. Thanks

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Thanks Stuart!

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Nice reminder. Being in presence is very important. More or less a majority of us live either in past or in future but keep missing the current moment.

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This is incredible. It resonates so well with me & perfectly sums up so many of the thoughts that I've had about meaning that I haven't been able to express succinctly. Thank you for this! I am going to pass it along to people that I think will find it powerful

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Take this advice and put it into action. Wait for the result and see it first hand. Then rinse and repeat until it is routine.

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Great point Anita! Simple, consistent steps are the way to go. 💪

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TBI survivor 😉

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Thanks for your insights. Hopefully I'll be able to put them into practice.

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Man, beautiful.

Life is a sum of our moments. We get to choose to live them passively or actively.

Thanks for another great one!

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Thank you for this, made my day :D

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If your engaged in deep conversation and another classmate strolls by, send her my way. I'm just setting here tapping my pencil lost in thought

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I just read this article and wow, it really hit home! You know how we're always chasing the next big thing, thinking "once I get that promotion" or "once I buy that house" I'll be happy? The author totally calls that out.

I loved that story about the lunch conversation with a classmate. Isn't it funny how those random moments can end up being so meaningful? Sometimes I catch myself scrolling through my phone instead of connecting with people around me too.

That Harvard study they mentioned is pretty eye-opening - 75 years of research just to confirm that deep connections matter more than achievements or money. I guess the ancients knew what they were talking about all along!

The practical advice at the end seems doable too. Being more present, actually listening during conversations, reflecting on meaningful moments before bed. Nothing complicated, just small shifts in how we approach our everyday lives.

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One of the best articles I've read. It felt like you knew me and were speaking to me personally.

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I am 12-days postpartum with my second little boy. All the ups and downs and hormonal/emotional turmoil resulting from the trauma of giving birth, has left this momma anxious and tired.

But, today, I will put my phone away/ turn the tv off/ quiet the never-ending mental to-do list and just sit with my newborn during each feeding. Knowing that this connection growing, quite literally, right in my arms is the foundation of all of his relationships moving forward. The “secure attachment” that I’m cultivating through deliberate and intentional moments of care and stability will be his nervous system’s baseline. When I think about it all this way, my eyes well up with tears over the absolute weight of it’s magnitude. There is nothing more important that I could do today.

Thank you for providing the mirror with which I’ve checked my priorities.

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Great post. It reminded me of a book I was gifted years ago, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. We all at one time or another wonder & search to identify our purpose in life. You hit the nail on the head with your article. It is about the small stuff, the human connection & all that comes with it. I have been expousing two themes over the last decade or more of my life as an educator & they are, We are here to make things better for other people & just work to Be a Good Human. Thanks for reminding yet again what is important in life when it comes to meaning & purpose. Well done.

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