Thank you for sharing. It reminds me of something my counselor once told me: failure is an experience, and so is success. We need to stay true to who we are and not get caught up in the external trappings of the world.

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Thank you for the amazing insight into Marcus Aurelius. There is so much we can learn. With appreciation, Ginny

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The true story in a movie called The Experiment

Human nature, Power gone completely wrong

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Hello Stoic Wisdom, Kyle Shepard, Deborah Healey, Vincent Pereira, Meag C., Jesse Jones, Chidinma Ndego, Kevin White, Claudia, Chidanand M, and all. Please see/share our research from Captain Rob Balsamo, Captain Dan Hanley, and others and help us improve it if you can. Only by being respectful, responsible adults who learn and share the best practical truth we can, like normal, will we improve anyone or anything, including ourselves. By sharing our experiences, as well as educating more adults on some of these important, already-long-known, undebated realities, we not only lighten our own load but help others feel less alone with theirs. Thank you!





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Thank you again for your wonderful insights. I always try to keep in mind and remember that life is simply all just a journey. Whether that journey is positive or negative, peaceful or chaotic is ultimately up to each of us.

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Facinating read! Thank you!

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Wonderful insights into the great thoughts from Marcus Aurelius. Every human on this earth must imbibe such inspiring advices throughout the lives and make this a beautiful place for all beings.

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